Good News: Obama Has a Job For You!
Turns out Barack Obama is making some jobs for us, after all! Sure, none of those fancy Obama Administration positions really "trickled down" to you unemployed libtards with the Hope sticker on your MacBook, but that's okay -- the administration is now proposing all kinds of excitingforeign servicecivilian positions. Sexytime, right?! Romantic café dinners, wine-fueled fucking in the sweet spring grass of theJardin du Luxembourg, getting high under Karlov Most in the summertime, etc. Well ....
The jobs are actually in exciting Afghanistan -- so at least the "getting high" part is possible, and opium is one hell of a drug.
But the only ass you're going get is from some unwashed Taliban boy with lice in his mustache, and then you'll probably be stoned to death, for homosexuality. Also, not much in the way of restaurants. If you want good Afghan food, try Little Kabul in the San Francisco suburb of Fremont.
In other words, JOBS! Good luck, friends. Death and dysentery is a small price to pay for a, uhm, paycheck.
Hundreds of New Civilian Employees Proposed for Afghanistan [Washington Post]