Religious Conservatives Crazy For Porn
Here is a SHOCKER regarding the holy trinity of American hobbies (religion, wingnut politics and pornography). It turns out that conservative Jesus Goblins are using up all of America's precious porn reserves. A new study proves the "red states" consume so much (gay and interracial) naked sex media, it's crazy! But is there another, hidden angle to this "Wingnuts Love the PR0N" journalistic revelation? Yes!
The evidence that McCain/Palin-supporting gay-marriage-banning church-going "AIDS might be God's punishment for immoral sexual behavior"-believing Americans are the biggest consumers of pornography comes from a "new nationwide study of anonymised credit-card receipts from a major online adult entertainment provider."
These people arepayingfor pornography, on the Internet.
They are absolute idiots.
The Internet is about 97.8% porn. It is impossible to avoid it. Children must be kept away from computers, lest they click upon some innocent smiley-face graphic that inevitably leads to "Adult Friend Finder."
But if you've ever wondered who actuallypaysto see what most people spend all day at work trying toavoid, lest they be fired during this awful Greatest Depression, now you know: Sarah Palin supporters, jesus goblins and other Red State fools.
Utah is the nation's biggest buyer of porno "subscriptions."
Red Staters consume the most porn [ABC News]