George Bush's Extremely Offensive Forestry Malapropism
Your President, George, hates Jews and is therefore making them celebrate Ch/Hanuk(k)a(h) by insisting they worship a Christmas tree. [ HuffPost ]
Minnesota will not count thousands of the absentee ballots Al Franken wants them to, but still, without things to count, the recount continues. [ The Caucus ]
The MySpace mom who played terrible pranks on 12 year old girl, for vengeance, was found guilty of several misdemeanors. [ AMERICAblog ]
Oh god, some guy named "Karl" (note the Soviet "K") has actually suggested that Bill Clinton will replace his wife Hillary Clinton as Senator from New York. [ Hit & Run ]
Recovering terrorist Barack Obama is condemning the attacks in Mumbai. He is flip-flopping. [ Ben Smith ]