Win A Bummer Trip To Denver With Hillary!
Guess whostillneeds your money, for her campaign debt? That's right, it's America's First Lady Hillary Clinton, and the latest stunt comes in the form of an email from Bill, in which he mentions that Reverend Jacksonalsowon South Carolina. Let's all give Hillary more money and then maybe we'll win a trip to Denver to see her, in person, and then Bill will come over and ruin it somehow, possibly by having sex with you.
Here's the thrilling email in its entirety:
Dear Sandy,
I have played so many roles at so many Democratic National Conventions. I've been there as a campaign worker, a governor, a keynote speaker, a nominee, a president, and a former president.
But no convention is quite like your first. There is nothing like seeing for the first time so many people in one place working toward one common purpose: electing the next Democratic president.
It's an inspiration, and you don't want to miss it if you have a chance. So I hope you'll take Hillary up on her offer and contribute by midnight tonight for a chance to attend the Denver convention in person. You'll get to see Hillary speak on Tuesday, and Barack Obama -- the next president of the United States -- on Thursday.
And I hear Hillary and you will have a chat -- I'll make sure to stop by.
Enter before midnight tonight for a chance to see me, Hillary, and Barack Obama at the convention in Denver next week!
Join Hillary in Denver. Contribute today.
I know you've always been there for Hillary, and she needs you now as she works to pay the small vendors who helped us during the campaign. Hillary's not going to stop fighting for the issues we all care so much about, and she's going to need you all the way.
And if you contribute before the midnight deadline, you might have the chance to join Hillary and me in Denver next week for a truly exciting and historic convention. You're going to get to see an amazing display of Democratic unity in person -- you don't want to miss it.
Contribute before midnight tonight for a chance to join me and Hillary in Denver next week.
Thanks for all the support and help you've shown to Hillary. I can tell you that it means the world to her.
Bill Clinton