Attractive Alaska Governor Sarah Palin 'Rear-Ended'
Here is an update on that affable mother of five who the mens are always licking their chops over: She almost died the other day.Unlike other fancy-pants governors who have personal drivers to get them into car wrecks, Governor Sarah Palin drives her own self around in a Chevy Suburban. On Tuesday morning she was sitting at a stop light on her way to work in downtown Anchorage when some silly fellow ran into her, and now that guy gets to say he rear-ended the governor, wokka wokka.
The rear-ender has gotten speeding tickets before, and he is also a certified EMT who drives fire trucks and stuff, so look out, Anchorage!
Anyhow, the governor is totally fine, due to her enormous vehicle. It bumped the car in front of her, and that car bumped another one. In total, four cars were involved in this little accident. The driver of the first car had a funny little anecdote about the whole thing:
"It was really just a quick bump," said Jason Goodenbery, the driver of the fourth vehicle hit, a Toyota Camry.
He went to the driver of the car behind him, Amanda Peterson, and realized two other vehicles were involved, he said.
"She asked me, 'Is that Sarah Palin?' And, I had seen her and I had noted some resemblance, but I was like, 'No it's not her.' "
"So I went to speak with her and the gentlemen in (the car behind Palin's), Mr. Brown, and we were just trading names and phone numbers, very polite, and I asked her (for) her name and phone number and she started to say, 'Sarah,' and I was like, 'Oh, man, you are Sarah Palin, aren't you?' "
Governor Palin will probably see many more rear endings in her future so that dudes in Camrys can get her phone number.
Palin unhurt in fender bender [Anchorage Daily News]