Ted 'Tubes' Stevens Explains His New Internet For Us

Corrupt Alaskan Sen. Ted Stevens, the old hack whose limited understanding of the Internet as a "series of tubes" launched a soul-crushing meme, has redesigned his Internet web site! And he's sent out a release about the changes that we found funny, but probably only because, you know, he's Ted Stevens and he's writing about the Internet again. For example: "Online communities - We now have a presence on YouTube, Flickr (photo sharing site), and MySpace in addition to the Facebook page we have had. You can become a friend or subscriber to these pages and this will allow you to stay in touch with the campaign in a whole new way. Links to all of these sites are located on the front page of the website." OK, you tell us Flickr is for photo sharing, but what in the hell are YouTube, MySpace and the Facebook?? [ Ted Stevens ]