The Funniest Daily Kos Post Ever
Ahem: " ...There were two stars that were highlighted by the comet's passage, Mirfak, and Algol. Mirfak is the elbow of Perseus's sword hand. Algol, Medussa'a eye, has long been seen as one of the most malifec and evil stars in the heavens.
"Obama was born with his sun in Leo, and his story exemplifies the quest of the Solar Hero. ...
"His father, who joins with his mother on an island, conceives a child, and soon thereafter leaves the child and mother to continue his own journeying. Obama, a 'special 'child, left to create his own internal image of 'father', and related meanings of strength, protection, leadership, etc....
"Of especial significance for me is the star Mirfak, the elbow of Perseus's sword arm. At some point, he does need to utilize his elbows, and when the moment comes, cut strongly and swiftly."
Please read the whole thing.
Mythic Obama [Daily Kos]