Paul Begala Hates Mark Penn So Very Much

Former Bill Clinton strategist Paul Begala, the squirrelly hobbit to James Carville's mangy elf, spoke at a breakfast in New York City this morning and used the occasion to vent about how much he hates Mark Penn, Hillary's ex-Chief Strategist and current chief strategist. Because everyone hates Mark Penn and that is why he is... still working for Hillary Clinton! But do most "Clinton people" go so far as to compare Penn to Donald Rumsfeld? The hobbit goes, because the hobbit knows.
Here are some various funny things that the hobbit said at his Democrat Breakfast :
"I have nothing but contempt for Mr. Penn... And for those of us who wanted to see him out from the beginning, it became almost a Rumsfeldian thing. And he is not even fired. He has been demoted. How could this be?"
"Mark Penn did have this strategy... He wrote a book called Microtrends in which he argued that the era of big trends is over. That's like going to New Orleans before Katrina and saying the era of big storms is over. It might end up being true but it could be really wrong."
"[Penn] is looking to target non-Catholic Latino woman. All two of them... He slices the baloney incredibly thin. And in addition to being a political strategist, he is heading one of the biggest public relations firm in Washington, which is a huge conflict of interest. The campaign ended up looking like Exxon Mobil instead of what it really is..."
Blah blah blah what is the hobbit talking about? Everyone knows that Hurricane Katrina was a resounding success for non-Catholic Latino women, who hate black people. According to Microtrends.
Begala: "Nothing But Contempt" For Penn, Compares Him To Rumsfeld [Huffington Post]