NYT Columnist Just Pasting In The Same Crap Every Week
Yes, it's boring having to write about the poverty or the economies twice a week for the New York Times and make big money and win Pulitzer prizes and all, but is it so much to ask that this week's Bob Herbert column not plagiarize last week's Bob Herbert column?
Writing about, uh, "Investing In America," which wasnot about being an investor in America and being so bummed out about this weird market, Herbert describes some sort of sad public school situation in South Carolina:
Among the many problems are ancient plumbing, inadequate heating and sewage that backs up into classrooms, bringing in vermin and terrible odors.
A week earlier, in a column called "The Blight That Is Still With Us," Herbert describes some sort of sad public school situation in South Carolina:
Among many other problems, ancient plumbing has resulted in raw sewage backing up into some schools, bringing in vermin and unbearable odors.
We may have Two Americas, but Bob Herbert has only one stock description of the crappy public schools.
On the Opinion Page: January 29, 2008 [The Gay Recluse]
Investing In America [NYT]