Happy Abortion Day!
Today was the big Abortion Thingy on The Mall! Yay! Since my day job is right in the middle of it, I decided to go all photojournalisty on you. And what did I learn? First of all, these people couldn't possibly be whiter. Also: What they lack in spelling skills, they make up for in juvenile voter fraud! Plus, of course, there were Paultards. To quote John Waters, I wish I were a girl so that I could get an abortion! More pictures after the jump...
Paultard alert! I wouldn't say they were there in force, but they were there. And I heard lots of people snickering at them, saying things like, "Who invited the hippies?" Here's the back of their folksy sign:
Is that his running mate! Go Paul/Tyvek '08! Next up, either this little girl is a liar, or maybe she's a midget:
Seriously, do these people even read the signs they force their kids to carry around? Meanwhile, these entrepreneurial teens were selling t-shirts:
You know, some people choose abstinence, while others have it thrust upon them. I must confess that I could have gotten a hi-fucking-larious shot of a portly, homely teen wearing the "Virginity Rocks" shirt, but it turns out that I can actually be nice. Who knew? Next up, I can't even begin to explain this:
Obscure dog graphics 4 life!
As they were leaving, they do what they always do: dump their signs any old place. Really, every year these protesters are consistently THE litter-buggiest of them all:
And that's it! Any surprises? Well, other than the misspelled "Aboration" sign, I was truly surprised by the almost complete lack of campaign signs, especially since last year was Brownback City (Ron Paul notwithstanding; I'm talking real candidates, people). I expected to at least see lots of Huckabee fever, but alas.
See you next year, nutjobs!