W: All Things to All People
The brilliant strategists at Bush-Cheney HQ allow you to customize a campaign poster with a slogan of your choosing. And, yes, we tried the obvious ones but someone thought to block those. You can't make a poster that says "Penis," or "Poo-Poo," or "Prince of Darkness." Sadly, you also can't produce propaganda that asserts badly needed pro-Bush sentiments. We tried, and failed, to make a poster reading: "Not Hitler!" Thinking that perhaps wasn't strong enough, we also tried "It's not like he's Hitler." No go. Even the more emphatic "Not at all like Hitler in the least!" was rejected. Disturbingly, we did get away with "Lebensraum!"
UPDATE: Please send us the results of your creative adaptations of this technology. We're also interested in what slogans get rejected. We were denied both "910 Days Since Last Terrorist Attack" and "The Ass-Fucking Stops Now!"
Create Custom Posters [GeorgeWBush.com]