Green Party Exists, Few People Notice
The Green Party is alive and we... well, they're alive anyway and they held their own candidate debate yesterday in San Francisco, moderated by the needs-to-permanently-disappear-from-public-life Cindy Sheehan and either Matt Gonzalez or Aimee Allison (reports on the matter conflict, probably because of the contact high the reporters had).
The current Green Party Presidential front runner is no other than former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney who recently converted to the Green Party , but may or may not still blame the Jews for her electoral losses . Other candidates included "university Hip-Hop professor Jared Ball, environmental engineer Kent Mesplay, actor/union organizer Jesse Johnson Jr. and Texas political organizer Kat Swift." Nader hasn't declared that he's running or shown up for anything, so no one yet knows who will be the guy or gal to garner enough votes to assure a Republican the White House for at least another 4 years.
Green Party holds presidential debate in San Francisco [San Francisco Chronicle]
Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney confirm 'A Presidential Debate That Matters' in SF This Sunday; Cindy Sheehan will moderate [Green Party]