Senator Norm Coleman's Wife Now Available For 'BLO & GO'
Remember GOP Senator Norm Coleman's hot model wife? Well she's back, with the life-changing As Seen On TeeVee product we've been waiting for ever since we killed the dog with the FLO-BEE. Laurie Coleman is now selling the amazing BLO & GO. Just blow, and go! So awesome. After the jump, see how she looks almost naked.
Laurie Coleman is best known for some pictures that would be pretty horrific if she was, say, Larry Craig's wife. Here's one of the pictures:
Anyway, now she's the spokesmodel for this piece of crap. It's a hook for your blow dryer. So, we guess, you need to blow dry your hair but you can't life your arms because of what happened in 'Nam. And then just BLO & GO. Amazing. Order now and we'll send you a plate with Abraham Lincoln's face painted on it by Chinese slave laborers.