Edwards Thinks He's Really Cool Because He Talked to Musharraf Today

The mini-horserace among presidential candidates over Who Can Exploit That Assassination Better saw John Edwards transform into, essentially, a starstruck 13-year-old girl outside TRL. Apparently he kept calling and calling Pervez Musharraf in Pakistan like, all morning, and then Musharraf TOTES called him back ! OMG a real live embattled president who has lots of shit on his plate today actually called to chat! I bet it was soooo awks, because he probably didn't even know who John Edwards was! I guess we have to vote for John Edwards now.
Edwards put himself on the line during his first stop in Iowa today by telling supporters that he had placed calls with Musharraf, but he didn't know if he'd call back! Then his supporters put on their jammies and made some cocoa and talked about boys.
By the time of his second event, however, John announced that Musharraf had called back and they're pretty much going out now so like, back off bitch:
"He called me," Edwards said, "because I told the ambassador I'd like to speak to him. I met him a few years ago, which I think I told you earlier, and we had a conversation in which I urged him to continue the democratization process. He told me, he gave me his assurances that he intended to do that, and we also spoke about having international independent investigators allowed into the country for transparency purposes, for credibility purposes, and we spoke briefly about the elections."
But, but, I could sooo tell by his voice that he liked me.
Edwards spoke to Musharraf [MSNBC]