Homeland Security MILF Dating Clinton Spokesman?
We love Fran Townsend, Bush's Homeland Security spokesmodel, known more for her hotness than her ability to do her job. The Washington Post 's Mary Ann Akers reports today that Townsend was recently spotted having drinks at the Mayflower with, of all people, Philippe Reines, who is not only Hillary Clinton's Senate spokesman, but also has a perfectly normal name spelled the French way, which proves that he's also a America-hating pinko terrorist (as if working for Clinton doesn't already prove that). Akers wonders what on Earth the two could possibly be doing there together, advancing all kinds of possible explanations, most of them pretty uninteresting. Mary Ann, we'll make it easier, because we know you can't say this in the Post: they're obviously totally fucking.
When Bushies and Clintonites Collide, and Have Fun [Washington Post]