Condi, Karen, and Cal: Friends in Diplomacy
In this six-minute, State Department-provided clip, Karen Hughes (Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy) and Condoleezza Rice,GQ'sMOST POWERFUL PERSON IN WASHINGTON, DC, sit on a couch and chat with Cal Ripken, Jr., the famous baseball player. He apparently works for State now? As... Ambassador of Baseball?
Brilliant insights from our Secretary of State:
* "Sports is a universal language, kind of like the arts."
* "People who want to be Cal Ripken in Pakistan, people who want to be Cal Ripken in Guatemala"
* "America is not its government, America is so much more than its government..." Like baseball players. Who represent "universal values like hard work and sticktoitiveness." Yes, the Secretary of State said "sticktoitiveness."
How will Cal's association with the State Department affect his standing in the international community? Did you know Cal Ripkenhada standing in the international community?
Highes' and Rice's seven-year investment in diplomacy is finally reaping successes. The only famous American athlete who doesn't fight dogs, abuse his wife, take drugs, or sell arms to Iran is now firmly in our corner. Go USA!