Marine Corps Wants America's Favorite Marine To Shut Up!
Iraq veteran and honorably discharged Marine Sgt. Adam Kokesh has been the Pentagon's biggest public relations nightmare this year, because he's some kind of magical Cindy Sheehan -- people actually like him!
And while right-wingers had no problem mocking the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, they have a tougher time mocking an actual living Marine male veteran who actually fought in the war they just write about on their blogs. Plus, you get the feeling he wouldn't mind beating the shit out of, say, the entire staff of National Review Online ... and that they'd probably enjoy it, too.
Find out what The Man is doing to silence Adam Kokesh, after the jump.
Kokesh and his anti-war veteran buddies have pulled several picture-perfect stunts in Washington, including a mock military funeralat the Hart Senate building and keeping score of how many times Alberto Gonzales said "I don't recall" during his Senate grilling last month.
The funeral stunt earned the protesters a coveted "political protest" arrest -- apparently it's now illegal to protest anything for political reasons -- and your favorite Marine was also charged with "Unlawful Assembly -- Loud and Boisterous," despite the fact that he was silent during the performance.
For this, the Marine Corps is now "investigating" Kokesh, even though he's officially out of the Corps and banished from reenlistment due to bringing home an Iraqi pistol for his war souvenir -- that's against the rules if you get caught!
On Monday, Kokesh has to show up at a hearing so the Corps can re-discharge him, this time dis honorably. Why? Because even when you get out of the military these days, Rumsfeld's "back door draft" makes you eligible for another call-up because there aren't enough people volunteering to jump in the Baghdad Meatgrinder. But they don't want him back, even for the Individual Ready Reserve. So what's the point?
All the chickenhawks will have permission to call him a traitor or whatever on the blogs and talk radio if he suddenly becomes dis honorably discharged, that's the point!
The hearing will be, of course, in Kansas City. If it was held in or around Washington, there would be a riot. Even Wonkette commenters would leave their computers for the cause of America's Favorite Marine. WAIT A MINUTE, dude has a bus going to KC! It leaves Union Station tomorrow at 6 p.m. There's a press conference at 5 p.m. Friday, right before the bus leaves.
UPDATE: Wonkette's Intrepid Girl Reporter Liz Gorman will be there at Union Station taking lovely photographs of this event. And then everybody can walk over to the Red and the Black or something and get drunk and levitate the Pentagon or whatever.
Hopefully Kokesh will stop by the comments and give us some more filthy details. He already turned down a "plea bargain" that would force him to have a pro-war talk show on AM radio or something ....
Corps accused of 'muzzle' tactics [Cleveland Plain-Dealer]
Adam Kokesh Rejects Marines' Plea Bargain [Sgt. Kokesh Goes To Washington]
Earlier Adam Kokesh Coverage