Joe Biden Discovers Clean, Articulate Black Man
The problem with Joe Biden's "candidacy" is that he's announced so many times that he needs new gimmicks each week to remind a sleepy nation that he's still running for president. This week's tactic: Give a freewheeling (drunken) interview with the NY Observer with a disparaging remark about Barry Obama that could be construed as sort of racist by people who otherwise could give a damn about such things -- namely, Drudge Report readers.
Dumb details, after the jump.
Dismissing Obama's brief and empty career as a national politician, Biden gave the famous madrassa student a backhanded -- or should we say black handed? -- complement: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Yeah, man! Obviously, Biden's talking about previous Democratic black presidential candidates: Jesse Jackson, who looks like a frog, has a mouthful of marbles and is at least considered to be a low-level crook, and the hilarious lunatic Al Sharpton. But context doesn't matter in politics, so it looks like it's time to take off our BIDEN '08 trucker caps.
Biden Unbound: Lays Into Clinton, Obama, Edwards [NY Observer]