Extreme Makeover: Jerry Lewis Edition

Photo: house.gov/jerrylewis
All the kids are going on and on about this Jerry Lewis guy from California, but every time I try to figure out why, I just find myself getting mesmerized by his hairdo. It pulls me in like some kind of maddening nylon vortex. To paraphrase Bill Griffith , it looks like hardened Cool Whip . Griffith said that years ago about Loni Anderson's hair, but there is a certain resemblance, a certain commonality of high-concept artifice. If Lewis wants to get treated nicer by style-concious papers like the LA Times, he should think about a tear-down on that real estate at the top of his noggin. He needs something kickier, more newscastery; he needs something that says, "No matter how many bad decisions I've made, I'm a likeable person and, gee, my hair smells terrific." Hmmm... that gives me a perfect idea for a more media-friendly Lewis:

Do you like it? I call it the Ferragamo.
Well, it's been a fun three days guest blogging here on Wonkette, and I'm especially glad that I got to share some real-life cuddles 'n' hugs with you! Have a glittery weekend!